It is March in South Texas and, as most of you know, allergy season is in full swing. It’s getting more humid and with that extra moisture hanging around, the mold counts are climbing. Add to that the tree and ragweed pollen counts and you have a region that tops the charts as an allergen hot spot in Texas. In fact, as of today, San Antonio ranks as the number one allergen hot spot in the United States, with a pollen count of 6,969.

So how do you keep on top of your allergies this time of year? Here are a few tips that have proven very helpful for many of our patients.

  1. Limit Pollen Collectors – stuffed animals and rugs act as pollen magnets and can cause some serious allergies. If you have them around, try to make sure they are washable and wash them frequently to reduce the collection.
  2. Hydrate – water intake is important for many reasons, but it can really help you out when it comes to allergies. Dehydration has been shown to increase your body’s histamine production, which could worsen your allergy symptoms. Further, water helps to thin your mucous, which in turn helps to keep your nose from getting even more stopped up.
  3. Reduce Exposure – As nice as the weather is, try to stay indoors on dry, windy days if you suffer from severe allergies. The best time to venture outdoors is right after a good rain. The worst time to venture outdoors is in the early morning. Have others help with lawn mowing and weed pulling. Shower when you first get home to rinse off the pollen that has collected on your hair and clothes. Collect clothes in laundry baskets and wash your linens at least once per week in hot water to help fend off the spread of pollen throughout your home.
  4. Keep Your Inside Air Clean – use the air conditioning in your car and home. Use high efficiency filters in your AC and change them regularly, especially if you have pets.
  5. Try an Over the Counter Remedy – there are oral antihistamines such as Claritin, Zyrtec, Allegra, etc. that will help to reduce the histamine production in response to the allergen. You can also take oral or nasal decongestants. Only use nasal decongestants (like Afrin) a few days in a row, or else you could actually cause rebound congestion! Finally, try a nasal spray such as Flonase to help ease your symptoms.
  6. Rinse Your Sinuses – nasal irrigation with saline is a quick, inexpensive way to relieve your nasal congestion. With a neti pot or squeeze bottle, you can rinse the allergens and mucous away. However, be sure to use sterile water to avoid further complications.

If, after you have exhausted all of the above approaches, you are still suffering, reach out to us for an appointment with Dr. Faulkner to ensure proper treatment.

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