Thank You, Wilson County. Having called Wilson County my home for more than [15] years, it has been a privilege to serve the members of this community, which has grown close to my heart. It is with my deepest regrets that I must inform you that I will no longer be practicing with Connally Memorial […]
Nosebleed Causes, Treatment Options, and Prevention Techniques
With cooler temps and drier air upon us, your chance of getting a nosebleed goes up. Don’t worry, though. We’ll share everything you need to know about this common, typically harmless condition. That way, you’ll know what to do if it happens to you or someone in your family. Nosebleed: Defined A nosebleed, also known […]
Dysphagia: Causes, Symptoms, Treatments
June is National Dysphagia Awareness Month. If you’ve never experienced the condition or known someone who has, you’re probably unfamiliar with the term. We’ll explore what it is, what causes it, when to seek help, and how sufferers can get relief. What is Dysphagia? Dysphagia is difficulty swallowing or the inability to swallow. It may […]
Cold vs. Seasonal Allergies: What’s the Difference?
It’s springtime, and you’ve got the sniffles. You know it’s allergy season, and think that cold season is behind you. But, the truth is, either ailment could be to blame. We’ll share how to tell the difference between a cold vs. seasonal allergies. Let’s start with the root of the problem. Causes While colds and […]
How to Deal with Seasonal Pollen Allergies
After a long, cold winter inside, the warm spring weather invites us to get back outdoors. But, if you’re allergic to pollen, enjoying the sun and breeze will come at a price. You won’t be able to admire the beauty of the new green leaves or inhale the scent of freshly cut grass without having […]
Celebrating Sleep Awareness Week® 2021
March 14th through March 20th is Sleep Awareness Week®! Since 1998, the National Sleep Foundation has run this annual campaign to both remind you that sound sleep is essential to your well-being and advise you on how to get more of it despite your busy life. Let’s celebrate good sleep together! First, let’s take a […]
Celebrating Kids Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) Month
February isn’t just about candy hearts and cold weather. It’s Kids Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) month! Championed by the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, the annual awareness campaign is designed to inform parents and caregivers about the ENT-related illnesses their children may face. Let’s celebrate Kids ENT month by increasing our knowledge […]
CMMC Helps Hospital With No ENT Coverage During Texas Winter Storm
During the recent cold weather snap and ensuing power and water problems experienced in the Texas winter storm, I had an interesting case. The patient was an elderly male with dementia due to stroke who had accidentally swallowed his upper partial denture. It was lodged in his throat and required an Otolaryngologist for removal. His […]
How to Get Through Mountain Cedar Season
The winter months should be a time of joy in Central Texas. You can celebrate the holidays and enjoy cooler outdoor temperatures. But, if you’re an allergy sufferer, you’ll spend more time inside dodging pollen than outside loving the weather. Don’t worry. We’ll show you how to get through mountain cedar season comfortably. What is […]
Nasal Problems – How to Deal With Them
Our nose helps us breathe. It filters out harmful dirt and allergens while facilitating the delivery of oxygen to the rest of our body. So what happens when your nose is out of commission? Luckily, one of the primary skills of ENTs is care of your nasal cavity. Let’s take a look at some of […]